Facebook ADS
Use our accounts and scale your campaigns without problems or worries.
Google ADS
Get access to our premium accounts, with no budget limits and direct line of credit.
TikTok ADS
Use whitelisted accounts to push your ads into the hottest social network of the moment!
Full service to manage advertising accounts.
Our Accounts are Whitelisted
More credibility and more security for your campaigns. It’s unlikely to get banned. If it happens though, we will easily reactivate them.
Unlimited Spending
“Your ads are not running. Add a payment method”
it’s the last time you will see this message in your Advertising Accounts. For scaling campaigns, the payment method issue doesn’t have to exist and we come to the rescue with an unlimited Credit Line.
24/7 Feedback & Support
We will answear to your question “Why was my account banned?” and we will teach you how to prevent Ads being rejected because of Ads Policies. We will teach you how to improve the Performance of your Campaigns.
We’ve got you Covered
- Antiban Services
- Daddy's Superpowers
- Unlimited accounts
- Unlimited Account remplacement
- Unlimited Verticals
- Instant assistance 24h
- Specialist Consulting
- Resell with your brand
Choose Plan
without worries and without limits
Please Send Message
How Prisma Vera works
Get in touch with us
to receive instructions
Make a recharge by
card or bank transfer
We provide you account with
credit. Ready to start
Any Questions? Find here.
Don’t find your answer here? just send us a message for any query.
Contact usYou will receive the requested accounts within 24/48 hours in order to start launching campaigns as soon as possible.
The support you’ll receive consists of troubleshooting any technical issues that may arise on advertising accounts, recommendations on advertising policies and recommendations for increasing campaign performance.
White Listed line credit accounts are special accounts that are overseen by support managers from Goolge Ads, Facebook Ads and Tiktok Ads. The chances for recovery of such banned accounts is much easier, and ad campaigns perform better and security is greatly enhanced.
We can create unlimited accounts to help you scale your business and reach the goals you want.
We want to comply with the policies of advertising platforms as strictly as possible. If advertising accounts are White Listed it does not mean that advertising policies can be violated, nor do we encourage it. We want a safe environment for users of Google Ads, Facebook Ads and Tiktok Ads.